Using SO as an example, what is the most sensible way to manage tags if you anticipate they will change often?
I would argue that there is a fourth solution which is a variation on your third solution:
Create Table Posts
id ...
, title ...
Create Table Tags
name varchar(30) not null primary key
, ...
Create Table PostTags
PostId ...
, TagName varchar(30) not null
, Constraint FK_PostTags_Posts
Foreign Key ( PostId )
References Posts( Id )
, Constraint FK_PostTags_Tags
Foreign Key ( TagName )
References Tags( Name )
On Update Cascade
On Delete Cascade
Notice that I'm using the tag name as the primary key of the Tags table. In this way, you can filter on certain tags without the extra join to the Tags table itself. In addition, if you change a tag name, it will update the names in the PostTags table. If changing a tag name is a rare occurrence, then this shouldn't be a problem. If changing a tag name is a common occurrence, then I would go with your third solution where you use a surrogate key to reference the tag.