I am trying to develop a custom component i.e. arc slider, I am done with the arc and the thumb but not able to figure out how can I draw the rounded edge arc and also the embos
I managed to build the arc some what like below
What I did is I calculated the arc starting and ending point and there I draw the circle with diameter equal to arc thickness.
The code for this is
private void drawSlider(Canvas canvas) {
float sweepDegrees = (value * arcWidthInAngle)
/ (maximumValue - minimumValue);
// the grey empty part of the arc
drawArc(canvas, startAngle, arcWidthInAngle, mTrackColor);
// the colored "filled" part of the arc
drawArc(canvas, startAngle, sweepDegrees, mFillColor);
// the thumb to drag.
int radius = ((diameter/2) - (mArcThickness/2));
Point thumbPoint = calculatePointOnArc(centerX, centerY, radius, startAngle + sweepDegrees);
thumbPoint.x = thumbPoint.x - (mThumbDiameter/2);
thumbPoint.y = thumbPoint.y - (mThumbDiameter/2);
Bitmap thumbBitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(
mContext.getResources(), R.drawable.circle25);
thumbBitmap = getResizedBitmap(thumbBitmap, mThumbDiameter, mThumbDiameter);
canvas.drawBitmap(thumbBitmap, thumbPoint.x, thumbPoint.y,
//drawArc(canvas, startAngle, startAngle + sweepDegrees, white);
private void drawArc(Canvas canvas, float startAngle, float sweepDegrees,
Paint paint) {
if (sweepDegrees <= 0 || sweepDegrees > arcWidthInAngle) {
int radius = ((diameter/2) - (mArcThickness/2));
Point startPoint = calculatePointOnArc(centerX, centerY, radius, startAngle);
Point endPoint = calculatePointOnArc(centerX, centerY, radius, startAngle + sweepDegrees);
path.arcTo(outerCircle, startAngle, sweepDegrees);
path.arcTo(innerCircle, startAngle + sweepDegrees, -sweepDegrees);
// drawing the circle at both the end point of the arc to git it rounded look.
path.addCircle(startPoint.x, startPoint.y, mArcThickness/2, Path.Direction.CW);
path.addCircle(endPoint.x, endPoint.y, mArcThickness/2, Path.Direction.CW);
canvas.drawPath(path, paint);
// this is to calculate the end points of the arc
private Point calculatePointOnArc(int circleCeX, int circleCeY, int circleRadius, float endAngle)
Point point = new Point();
double endAngleRadian = endAngle * (Math.PI / 180);
int pointX = (int) Math.round((circleCeX + circleRadius * Math.cos(endAngleRadian)));
int pointY = (int) Math.round((circleCeY + circleRadius * Math.sin(endAngleRadian)));
point.x = pointX;
point.y = pointY;
return point;
// for the emboss effect set maskfilter of the paint to EmbossMaskFilter
private Paint mTrackColor = new Paint();
MaskFilter mEmboss = new EmbossMaskFilter(new float[] { 0.0f, -1.0f, 0.5f},
0.8f, 15, 1.0f);