I\'m trying to get this up and running, but I see \"uninitialized constant ExceptionNotifier\" whenever I start my server.
It took a bit of work but I got Exception Notifier working with Rails 3.0.0:
1- rails plugin install http://github.com/sickill/exception_notification.git
(If you don't want to use this fork, just apply his patch manually to the original Rails plugin: it is only 3 lines.) It fixes the 'undefined method controller_name error'
2- In application.rb:
config.middleware.use "::ExceptionNotifier" , :email_prefix => "[Whatever] ",
:sender_address => %{"notifier" },
:exception_recipients => %w{whoever@example.com}
3- Apply Lawrence Pit's patch. (UPDATE: This link appears to be broken) It fixes the uninitialized constant ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
error as documented here.
That's it.