While reading some papers about the Turing completeness of recurrent neural nets (for example: Turing computability with neural nets, Hava T. Siegelmann and Eduardo D. Sontag, 1
After many years, let me give an answer to this question myself.
memory address limit or things like that. These are technical limits, which could be solved, e.g. by big ints, etc.) Thus, we can say that the concept of a PC is Turing complete.An often cited paper is On the computational power of neural nets, Siegelmann & Sonntag, 1992, which states that RNNs are Turing complete. This paper assumes that we have rational numbers without limits in the nominator/denominator, i.e. the infinite memory is encoded as rational numbers, or floating point numbers of infinite precision. See also here. Usually we do not model a NN in a way that is operates with rational numbers (without limit). When we restrict ourselves to (R)NNs with finite precision weights and activations, the proof in the paper falls appart, and does not apply anymore. Thus, this paper is not so relevant.
There is a more recent paper, On the Practical Computational Power of Finite Precision RNNs for Language Recognition, Weiss et al, 2018, which exactly addresses this.
It is well known that most standard NNs are universal approximators. This states, that given any function (nonconstant, bounded, and continuous), and given some allowed threshold, you can construct a NN which approximates this function within the allowed threshold. This is about finite dimensional vector spaces. When we speak about computability, we speak about sequences, thus we have an infinite dimensional vector space. Thus this property is not so relevant.
Thus, to state it explicitly: Without external memory, the standard RNN, and also LSTM is not Turing complete. There is also no straight-forward way how you could define a concept of a RNN, where you could add memory on demand. The memory of a RNN are the most recent hidden activations. Adding more memory means to change the NN, i.e.\ adding new neurons, thus adding the internal workings of it. This is like changing the program itself.
There is the Neural Turing machine (NTM) and a few similar models, which have some sort of external memory. Here it is straight-forward to think about a concept of a NTM where you would add memory on demand. Thus we can say that the concept of a NTM is Turing complete.
There are some details like the type of attentions used in the heads, which needs some adaptation. There is a follow up on the model, the Differentiable neural computer (DNC) which explicitly addresses this, and also has some explicit mechanism to add memory.
We spoke mostly about the theoretic computation power. A very different question is whether the NN can learn such a function. I.e. whether training (gradient search) leads to a NN which has learned a computable function.
We might interpret the human brain (or any brain) as kind of a complex neural network. We can also ask the question, whether the human brain (model) is Turing complete. See e.g. here. This question is a tricky one. The intuition would say that we are able to perform any kind of computation, thus the human brain is Turing complete. However, the arguments we have outlined here shows that a RNN is not Turing complete. Important is again the memory effect. At some point, the memory capacity of a human brain is not enough to operate on some input. Thus we would need external memory. So, the human brain together with external memory is Turing complete, obviously.
However, there is one aspect of the memory in a human brain which is a bit different than in a standard RNN: It can generalize to a high degree, and the addressing mechanism to access certain activations is different. Also, it has some kind of adaptive weights (which however also only can store finite information).