I actually just started the same thing, so hopefully this will help or at least generate more comments and even help for myself :)
1. Are my naming conventions for each module and its respective assembly following standard conventions, or is there a different way I should be going about this?
According to MSDN Names of Namespaces, this seems to be ok. They lay it out as:
For example, Microsoft.WindowsMobile.DirectX.
2.Is it beneficial to break apart the business and data layers into multiple assemblies?
I definitely think its beneficial to break apart the business and data layers into multiple assemblies. However, in my solution, I've create just two assemblies (DataLayer and BusinessLayer). The other details like Interfaces
, Workflows
, etc I would create directories for under each assembly. I dont think you need to split them up at that level.
3.Is it beneficial to have the interfaces and abstract classes for each layer in their own assemblies?
Kind of goes along with the above comments.
4.Is it beneficial to have an "Entities" assembly for both the business and data layers?
Yes. I would say that your data entities might not map directly to what your business model will be. When storing the data to a database or other medium, you might need to change things around to have it play nice. The entities that you expose to your service layer should be useable for the UI. The entities you use for you Data Access Layer should be useable for you storage medium. AutoMapper is definitely your friend and can help with mapping as you mentioned. So this is how it shapes up:
(source: microsoft.com)