I am using a linux system and need to experiment with some permissions on a set of nested files and directories. I wonder if there is not some way to save the permissions for t
if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
echo "Enter directory";
exit 0;
# dump acls
cd $1
echo "#!/bin/bash">recovery_acl.sh
echo "cd $1">>recovery_acl.sh
# create acl file sorted by dir_level
for i in `seq 0 15`;do
find . -mindepth $i -maxdepth $i -type d -exec getfacl {} +|grep -E '*UTS|file:'>>acl
sed -i 's/default\:user/\-dm\ u/g' acl
sed -i 's/default\:group/\-dm\ g/g' acl
sed -i 's/user\:/\-m\ u\:/g' acl
sed -i 's/group\:/\-m\ g\:/g' acl
sed -i 's/\#\ file\:\ /\.\//g' acl
sed -i '/^#/d' acl
while IFS='' read -r line ; do
# grep dir name
if echo "$line" | grep -q "$f" ; then
echo setfacl $line '"'$dir'"'>>recovery_acl.sh
# grep non def acl (for files)
if echo "$line" | grep -q '\-m' ; then
echo setfacl $line '"'$dir'"'/*>>recovery_acl.sh
done < "acl"
rm -f acl
sed -i 's/134/\\/g' recovery_acl.sh
sed -i 's/040/\ /g' recovery_acl.sh
After execution of script, will creating another "recovery_acl.sh". Replace UTS on your domain. Errors like "No such file or directory" means that dir is empty.