I tried to upgrade from trial VS2008 to full... but, on Windows 7 Beta there is no \"Upgrade to Microsoft Visual Studio 2008\" option... anyone knows why?... did anyone else enc
If you can reproduce it, it would be worth sending it as feedback (do you have the "send feedback" links on every window like I do?).
I could give it a try, but I've already installed Team Suite on my physical Windows 7 machine, so I'd need to sort out a fresh VM to give it a go...
Actually, though - it probably isn't a good idea to activate your upgrade (for real) on the beta Windows 7; at some point, you are going to have to scratch that OS completely. I agree that if the option is meant to be there, then it's absense is a problem. But I haven't used "trial" before, so I don't know if it is meant to exist!