I find examples and tutorials about models and about validation. And I places that say the validation (or most of it at least) should be in the model, which I agree with. But I
An example of KO3 validation used with ORM models. Example was posted with permission by a1986 (blaa) in #kohana (freenode).
protected $_rules = array(
'document' => array(
'Upload::valid' => NULL,
'Upload::not_empty' => NULL,
'Upload::type' => array(array('pdf', 'doc', 'odt')),
'Upload::size' => array('10M')
protected $_ignored_columns = array('document');
* Overwriting the ORM::save() method
* Move the uploaded file and save it to the database in the case of success
* A Log message will be writed if the Upload::save fails to move the uploaded file
public function save()
$user_id = Auth::instance()->get_user()->id;
$file = Upload::save($this->document, NULL, 'upload/contracts/');
if (FALSE !== $file)
$this->sent_on = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$this->filename = $this->document['name'];
$this->stored_filename = $file;
$this->user_id = $user_id;
Kohana::$log->add('error', 'Não foi possível salvar o arquivo. A gravação da linha no banco de dados foi abortada.');
return parent::save();
* Overwriting the ORM::delete() method
* Delete the database register if the file was deleted
* If not, record a Log message and return FALSE
public function delete($id = NULL)
if (unlink($this->stored_filename))
return parent::delete($id);
Kohana::$log->add('error', 'Não foi possível deletar o arquivo do sistema. O registro foi mantido no banco de dados.');
return FALSE;