I have been working on an Android app which uses try/catch
frequently to prevent it from crashing even on places where there is no need. For example,
A view
I would put this as a comment to some other answer, but I don't have the reputation for that yet.
You are correct in saying that it's bad practice, in fact what you posted shows different types of bad practice in regards to exceptions.
I'll try to explain all of those via this example.
try {
User user = loadUserFromWeb();
if(user.getCountry().equals("us")) {
} catch (Exception e) {
This can fail in several ways that should be handled differently.
(1) First of all, failing silently is not a good thing. If there's a failure, the app won't work. Instead there should be an attempt to resolve the problem or a display a warning, for example "Could not load user data, maybe you're not connected to the Internet?". If the app is not doing what it's supposed to, that's way more frustrating for a user than if it just closes itself.
(4) If the User is incomplete, e.g. the country is not known and returns null. The equals method will create a NullPointerException. If that NPE is just thrown and caught like above, the fillFields(user) method will not be called, even though it could still be executed without problems. You could prevent this by including null checks, changing execution order, or adjusting the try/catch scope. (Or you could do save coding like this: "us".equals(user.getCountry()), but I had to provide an example). Of course any other exception will also prevent fillFields() from being executed, but if there's no user, you probably don't want it executed anyway.
(1, 2, 3)Loading from web often throws a variety of exceptions, from IOException to HttpMessageNotReadable exception to even just returning. Could be that the user isn't connected to the internet, could be that there was a change to a backend server or it is down, but you don't know because you do catch(Exception) - instead you should catch specific exceptions. You can even catch several of them like this
User user = loadUserFromWeb(); //throws NoInternetException, ServerNotAvailableException or returns null if user does not exist
if(user == null) {
throw new UserDoesNotExistException(); //there might be better options to solve this, but it highlights how exceptions can be used.
if("us".equals(user.getCountry()) {
} catch(NoInternetException e){
displayWarning("Your internet conneciton is down :(");
} catch(ServerNotAvailableException e){
displayWarning("Seems like our server is having trouble, try again later.");
} catch(UserDoesNotExistException e){
I hope that explains it.
At the very least as a quick fix, what you could do is send an event to your backend with the exception. For example through firebase or crashlytics. That way you can at least see stuff like (hey, the main activity does not load for 80% of our users due to a problem like (4).