I have searched many posts here regarding custom user authentication but none have addressed all of my concerns
I am new to ASP.NET MVC and have used traditional ASP.NET
You can write your authentication service by yourself. Here is a short story:
Your user model class(i.e.)
public class User
public int UserId { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Username { get; set; }
public string Password { get; set; }
public string Email { get; set; }
public bool IsAdmin { get; set; }
Your Context class(i.e.)
public class Context : DbContext
public Context()
base.Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
public DbSet Users { get; set; }
Your user repository class(i.e.)
public class UserRepository
Context context = new Context();
public User GetByUsernameAndPassword(User user)
return context.Users.Where(u => u.Username==user.Username & u.Password==user.Password).FirstOrDefault();
And your user application class(i.e.)
public class UserApplication
UserRepository userRepo = new UserRepository();
public User GetByUsernameAndPassword(User user)
return userRepo.GetByUsernameAndPassword(user);
Here is your account controller(i.e.)
public class AccountController : Controller
UserApplication userApp = new UserApplication();
SessionContext context = new SessionContext();
public ActionResult Login()
return View();
public ActionResult Login(User user)
var authenticatedUser = userApp.GetByUsernameAndPassword(user);
if (authenticatedUser != null)
context.SetAuthenticationToken(authenticatedUser.UserId.ToString(),false, authenticatedUser);
return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
return View();
public ActionResult Logout()
return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
And your SessionContext class(i.e.)
public class SessionContext
public void SetAuthenticationToken(string name, bool isPersistant, User userData)
string data = null;
if (userData != null)
data = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(userData);
FormsAuthenticationTicket ticket = new FormsAuthenticationTicket(1, name, DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now.AddYears(1), isPersistant, userData.UserId.ToString());
string cookieData = FormsAuthentication.Encrypt(ticket);
HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie(FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName, cookieData)
HttpOnly = true,
Expires = ticket.Expiration
public User GetUserData()
User userData = null;
HttpCookie cookie = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies[FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName];
if (cookie != null)
FormsAuthenticationTicket ticket = FormsAuthentication.Decrypt(cookie.Value);
userData = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize(ticket.UserData, typeof(User)) as User;
catch (Exception ex)
return userData;
And finally add the following tag to your
And now you just need to insert [Authorize]
attribute on the head of each controller that needs authentication.like this:
public class ClassController : Controller