For a web application I\'m building I need to analyze a website, retrieve and rank it\'s most important keywords and display those.
Getting all words, their density and
Recently, I've been working on this myself, and I'll try to explain what I did as best as possible.
The first thing you need to do is filter make sure the encoding is correct, so convert is to UTF-8:
iconv ($encoding, "utf-8", $file); // where $encoding is the current encoding
After that, you need to strip all html tags, punctuation, symbols and numbers. Look for functions on how to do this on Google!
$words = mb_split( ' +', $text );
Any word consisting of either 1 or 2 characters won't be of any significance, so we remove all of them.
To remove stopwords, we first need to detect the language. There are a couple of ways we can do this: - Checking the Content-Language HTTP header - Checking lang="" or xml:lang="" attribute - Checking the Language and Content-Language metadata tags If none of those are set, you can use an external API like the AlchemyAPI.
You will need a list of stopwords per language, which can be easily found on the web. I've been using this one:
To count the number of occurrences per word, use this:
$uniqueWords = array_unique ($keywords); // $keywords is the $words array after being filtered as mentioned in step 3
$uniqueWordCounts = array_count_values ( $words );
Now loop through the $uniqueWords array and calculate the density of each word like this:
$density = $frequency / count ($words) * 100;
The word prominence is defined by the position of the words within the text. For example, the second word in the first sentence is probably more important than the 6th word in the 83th sentence.
To calculate it, add this code within the same loop from the previous step:'
$keys = array_keys ($words, $word); // $word is the word we're currently at in the loop
$positionSum = array_sum ($keys) + count ($keys);
$prominence = (count ($words) - (($positionSum - 1) / count ($keys))) * (100 / count ($words));
A very important part is to determine where a word resides - in the title, description and more.
First, you need to grab the title, all metadata tags and all headings using something like DOMDocument or PHPQuery (dont try to use regex!) Then you need to check, within the same loop, whether these contain the words.
The last step is to calculate a keywords value. To do this, you need to weigh each factor - density, prominence and containers. For example:
$value = (double) ((1 + $density) * ($prominence / 10)) * (1 + (0.5 * count ($containers)));
This calculation is far from perfect, but it should give you decent results.
I haven't mentioned every single detail of what I used in my tool, but I hope it offers a good view into keyword analysis.
N.B. Yes, this was inspired by the today's blogpost about answering your own questions!