Is there a way to lock the Android screen via the ADB?
I find ways to lock the display in an apk, but I want to lock the screen from the PC via ADB, to simulate a displ
Here is a script to turn on/off the screen for every connected device including any pre-lollipop devices. I use this on my Jenkins server right before running any connected Android tests to make sure the devices are ready to go. Hope someone finds this useful!
# Returns the power state of the screen 1 = on, 0 = off
getDisplayState() {
state=$(adb -s $1 shell dumpsys power | grep mScreenOn= | grep -oE '(true|false)')
# If we didn't get anything it might be a pre-lollipop device
if [ "$state" = "" ]; then
state=$(adb -s $1 shell dumpsys power | grep 'Display Power' | grep -oE '(ON|OFF)')
if [ "$state" = "ON" ] || [ "$state" = "true" ]; then
return 1;
return 0;
echo "Turning on screen on all connected devices..."
for device in `adb devices | grep device$ | cut -f1`
echo -n "Found device: $device ... "
getDisplayState $device
# If the display is off, turn it on
if [ $state -eq 0 ]; then
echo "display was off, turning on"
adb -s $device shell input keyevent 26
echo "display was on"