Is there a way to lock the Android screen via the ADB?
I find ways to lock the display in an apk, but I want to lock the screen from the PC via ADB, to simulate a displ
For those using earlier versions of android (4.2+ at least), dumpsys power
has a different output.
Instead of using mPowerState=
as the answer given by @Jakub Czaplicki, I used mScreenOn=
p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("su", null, null);
OutputStream o = p.getOutputStream();
o.write(("dumpsys power").getBytes("ASCII"));
boolean screenState;
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream()));
while ((res = in.readLine()) != null) dump += res;
screenState = dump.charAt( dump.indexOf("mScreenOn=") + 10 ) == 't';
is true
(screen on), or false
(screen off).