I want to copy all the permission I\'ve set on stored procedures and other stuff from my development database to my production database. It\'s incredibly cumbersome, not to ment
Thanks to Chris for his awesome answer, I took it one step further and automated the process of running those statements (my table had over 8,000 permissions)
if object_id('dbo.tempPermissions') is not null
Drop table dbo.tempPermissions
Create table tempPermissions(ID int identity , Queries Varchar(255))
Insert into tempPermissions(Queries)
select 'GRANT ' + dp.permission_name collate latin1_general_cs_as
+ ' ON ' + s.name + '.' + o.name + ' TO ' + dpr.name
FROM sys.database_permissions AS dp
INNER JOIN sys.objects AS o ON dp.major_id=o.object_id
INNER JOIN sys.schemas AS s ON o.schema_id = s.schema_id
INNER JOIN sys.database_principals AS dpr ON dp.grantee_principal_id=dpr.principal_id
WHERE dpr.name NOT IN ('public','guest')
declare @count int, @max int, @query Varchar(255)
set @count =1
set @max = (Select max(ID) from tempPermissions)
set @query = (Select Queries from tempPermissions where ID = @count)
while(@count < @max)
set @count += 1
set @query = (Select Queries from tempPermissions where ID = @count)
select * from tempPermissions
drop table tempPermissions
additionally to restrict it to a single table add:
and o.name = 'tablename'
after the WHERE dpr.name NOT IN ('public','guest') and remember to edit the select statement so that it generates statements for the table you want to grant permissions 'TO' Not the table the permissions are coming 'FROM' (which is what the script does).