Lynn Langit just released a very detailed head-to-head benchmark of Aerospike vs. Redis running in different configurations on AWS cloud. Her summary: "TL; DR – at scale Aerospike wins".
How she reached that conclusion is very interesting. She gives step-by-step instructions on how she produced her results for others looking to gain insight on how to do their own performance benchmarks. The tests had to be set up as a pure RAM datastore, as well as for SSD persistent database.
Her key observations:
- Aerospike is as fast as Redis with close to 1 MTPS for 100% read workloads on a single node on AWS R3.8xlarge with no persistence.
- Aerospike is slightly faster than Redis for 100/0 and 80/20 read/write workloads against a single node backed by EBS SSD (gp2) storage for persistence.