I\'m trying to add a tuple (e.g., 2-item tuple) to an array.
var myStringArray: (String,Int)[]? = nil
myStringArray += (\"One\", 1)
What I\'m g
You have two issues. First problem, you're not creating an "array of tuples", you're creating an "optional array of tuples". To fix that, change this line:
var myStringArray: (String,Int)[]? = nil
var myStringArray: (String,Int)[]
Second, you're creating a variable, but not giving it a value. You have to create a new array and assign it to the variable. To fix that, add this line after the first one:
myStringArray = []
...or you can just change the first line to this:
var myStringArray: (String,Int)[] = []
After that, this line works fine and you don't have to worry about overloading operators or other craziness. You're done!
myStringArray += ("One", 1)
Here's the complete solution. A whopping two lines and one wasn't even changed:
var myStringArray: (String,Int)[] = []
myStringArray += ("One", 1)