I know I can start the emulator avd by typing
emulator.exe @avdname
But is there a command to list the available avdnames? Where are this avd c
This is an old post, but I am currently using this script to display the avd names and start one.
#! /bin/bash
# (@) start-android
# If the emulator command exists on this device, displays a list of emulators
# and prompts the user to start one
# Check if the emulator command exists first
if ! type emulator > /dev/null; then
echo "emulator command not found"
exit 1
# Gather emulators that exist on this computer
DEVICES=( $(emulator -list-avds 2>&1 ) )
# Display list of emulators
echo "Available Emulators
for DEVICE in ${DEVICES[@]}
echo "$N) $DEVICE"
let N=$N+1
# Request an emulator to start
read -p "
Choose an emulator: " num
# If the input is valid, launch our emulator on a separate PID and exit
if [ $num -lt $N ] && [ $num -gt 0 ];
emulator "@$DEVICE" > /dev/null 2>&1 &
exit 0
echo "Invalid Entry : $num"
exit 1
Here is an example run and output:
Available Emulators
1) Nexus_5X_API_23
2) Nexus_9_API_23
Choose an emulator: 1