fmt.Println(\"Enter position to delete::\")
new_arr := make([]int, (len(arr) - 1))
k := 0
for i := 0; i < (len(arr) - 1); {
if i != pos {
here is the playground example with pointers in it.
package main
import (
type t struct {
a int
b string
func (tt *t) String() string{
return fmt.Sprintf("[%d %s]", tt.a, tt.b)
func remove(slice []*t, i int) []*t {
copy(slice[i:], slice[i+1:])
return slice[:len(slice)-1]
func main() {
a := []*t{&t{1, "a"}, &t{2, "b"}, &t{3, "c"}, &t{4, "d"}, &t{5, "e"}, &t{6, "f"}}
k := a[3]
a = remove(a, 3)
fmt.Printf("%v || %v", a, k)