I’m trying to keep a Backbone.js Collection up-to-date with what’s happening on the server.
My code is similar to the following:
var Comment = Backbone.M
Make a duplicate collection. Fetch() it. Compare the two to find the deltas. Apply them.
* Update a collection using the changes from previous fetch,
* but without actually performing a fetch on the target
* collection.
updateUsingDeltas: function(collection) {
// Make a new collection of the type of the parameter
// collection.
var newCollection = new collection.constructor();
// Assign it the model and url of collection.
newCollection.url = collection.url;
newCollection.model = collection.model;
// Call fetch on the new collection.
var that = this;
success: function() {
// Calc the deltas between the new and original collections.
var modelIds = that.getIdsOfModels(collection.models);
var newModelIds = that.getIdsOfModels(newCollection.models);
// If an activity is found in the new collection that isn't in
// the existing one, then add it to the existing collection.
_(newCollection.models).each(function(activity) {
if (modelIds.indexOf(activity.id) == -1) {
}, that);
// If an activity in the existing colleciton isn't found in the
// new one, remove it from the existing collection.
_(collection.models).each(function(activity) {
if (newModelIds.indexOf(activity.id) == -1) {
}, that);
// TODO compare the models that are found in both collections,
// but have changed. Maybe just jsonify them and string or md5
// compare.
getIdsOfModels: function(models) {
return _(models).map(function(model) { return model.id; });