What are good ways of building groups/folders?
I\'ve tried by feature (UI for a feature plus model etc) with a common group. I\'ve also tried by UI, model, etc.
The standard Xcode MVC folder structure is as follows.
CoreData : Contains DataModel and Entity Classes.
Extension : Contain One class(default apple class extensions+project class extensions.)
Helper: Contain Third Party classes/Frameworks (eg. SWRevealController) + Bridging classes (eg. Obj C class in Swift based project)
Model : Make a singleton class (eg.AppModel - NSArray,NSDictionary, String etc.) for saving data. The Web Service Response parsing and storing data is also done here.
Services : Contain Web Service processes (eg. Login Verification, HTTP Request/Response)
View : Contain storyboard, LaunchScreen.XIB and View Classes. Make a sub folder Cells - contain UITableViewCell, UICollectionViewCell etc.
Controller: Contain Logic or Code related to UIElements (eg. UIButton’s reference+ clicked action)