My goal: I am trying to allow users to embed a link to a Youtube video in my site, while giving me control over the player\'s settings.
I would like to do this by only a
I have created a simple helper to embed YouTube videos:
# Helpers for better embedding and manipulation of videos
module VideosHelper
# Regex to find YouTube's video ID
YOUTUBE_REGEX = %r(^(http[s]*:\/\/)?(www.)?(|\/(watch\?v=){0,1}([a-zA-Z0-9_-]{11}))
# Embeds YouTube video of given URL in an iframe
# @param url [String] URL of desired video
# @param width [String] width of embedded video. Can be any valid CSS unit
# @param height [String] height of embedded video. Can be any valid CSS unit
# @return [String] HTML string of embedded video
def youtube_embed(url, width = "100%", height = "250px")
youtube_id = find_youtube_id(url)
result = %()
# Finds YouTube's video ID from given URL or [nil] if URL is invalid
# The video ID matches the RegEx \[a-zA-Z0-9_-]{11}\
# @param url [String] URL of desired video
# @return [String] video ID of given URL
def find_youtube_id(url)
url = sanitize(url).to_str
matches = YOUTUBE_REGEX.match url
if matches
matches[6] || matches[5]