Also, take a look at this recent news item post on Scala's site:
"Research: Programming Style and Productivity".
In his paper, Gilles Dubochet, describes how he investigated two aspects of programming style using eye movement tracking. He found that it is, on average, 30% faster to comprehend algorithms that use for-comprehensions and maps, as in Scala, rather than those with the iterative while-loops of Java.
And another key quote from the news item:
Alex McGuire, who writes mission critical projects in Scala for power trading companies, says of Scala "The conciseness means I can see more of a program on one screen. You can get a much better overview. When I have some mathematical model to write with Java I have to keep two models in my head, the mathematical model itself and the second a model of how to implement it in Java. With Scala one model, the mathematical one, will do. Much more productive.”
You an read the rest of the post and other linked items there.