spaCy tags up each of the Token
s in a Document
with a part of speech (in two different formats, one stored in the pos
and pos_
At present, dependency parsing and tagging in SpaCy appears to be implemented only at the word level, and not at the phrase (other than noun phrase) or clause level. This means SpaCy can be used to identify things like nouns (NN, NNS), adjectives (JJ, JJR, JJS), and verbs (VB, VBD, VBG, etc.), but not adjective phrases (ADJP), adverbial phrases (ADVP), or questions (SBARQ, SQ).
For illustration, when you use SpaCy to parse the sentence "Which way is the bus going?", we get the following tree.
By contrast, if you use the Stanford parser you get a much more deeply structured syntax tree.