I can successfully do this:
App.SomeCollection = Backbone.Collection.extend({
comparator: function( collection ){
return( collection.get( \'lastName\' ) );
This is what I ended up doing for the app I'm currently working on. In my collection I have:
comparator: function(model) {
var methodName = applicationStateModel.get("comparatorMethod"),
method = this[methodName];
if (typeof(method === "function")) {
return method.call(null, model);
Now I can add few different methods to my collection: fooSort(), barSort(), and bazSort().
I want fooSort to be the default so I set that in my state model like so:
var ApplicationState = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: {
comparatorMethod: "fooSort"
Now all I have to do is write a function in my view that updates the value of "comparatorMethod" depending upon what the user clicks. I set the collection to listen to those changes and do sort(), and I set the view to listen for sort events and do render().