Storing credit card information securely and legally is very difficult and should not be attempted. I have no intention of storing credit card data but I\'m dying to figure out
If you want to eliminate any credit card stealing headaches, hash them using salt values not stored in the database (in addition to salt values stored in the database). Hashing them with any modern hashing algorithm will pretty much put to rest most issues with credit card theft but it does mean consumers must re-enter their credit card on each purchase. Having worked on a project that dealt with storage of credit card numbers, I found that hashing them cut security review costs by an order of magnitude (granted that project was before PII concerns).
If you are going to use symmetrical encryption, then you enter a new realm of complication that all comes down to management and control over the decryption keys. I will say that even if you hash the credit card numbers you will still need to deal with reversible encryption since all PII(Personally Identifiable Information) must be encrypted. SQL Server 2008 has a new Extensible Key Mangement plugin architecture which lets use third-party vendor programs to manage control over the decryption keys including split keys.
For more info: Deploying SQL Server 2008 Based on Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS) Version 1.2.