I currently have a UITextfield
with an eye icon in it that when pressed is supposed to toggle the secure text entry on and off.
I know you can che
Try this code in swift 4, tried to make a reusable code within a controller. I have set different image for buttons in storyboard as shown in the link https://stackoverflow.com/a/47669422/8334818
@IBAction func clickedShowPassword(_ sender: UIButton) {
var textField :UITextField? = nil
print("btn ",sender.isSelected.description)
switch sender {
case encryptOldPswdBtn:
encryptOldPswdBtn.isSelected = !encryptOldPswdBtn.isSelected
textField = oldPasswordTextField
print("text ",textField?.isSecureTextEntry.description)
textField?.isSecureTextEntry = !(textField?.isSecureTextEntry ?? false)