Given a set of PDF files among which some pages are color and the remaining are black & white, is there any program to find out among the given pages which are color and whi
Newer versions of Ghostscript (version 9.05 and later) include a "device" called inkcov. It calculates the ink coverage of each page (not for each image) in Cyan (C), Magenta (M), Yellow (Y) and Black (K) values, where 0.00000 means 0%, and 1.00000 means 100% (see Detecting all pages which contain color).
For example:
$ gs -q -o - -sDEVICE=inkcov file.pdf
0.11264 0.11605 0.11605 0.09364 CMYK OK
0.11260 0.11601 0.11601 0.09360 CMYK OK
If the CMY values are not 0 then the page is color.
To just output the pages that contain colors use this handy oneliner:
$ gs -o - -sDEVICE=inkcov file.pdf |tail -n +4 |sed '/^Page*/N;s/\n//'|sed -E '/Page [0-9]+ 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 / d'