Trying to upload a binary, which includes a watch app. The error I\'m getting (which I wasn\'t getting a couple days ago) is the value provided for LC_VERSION_MIN_IPHONEOS for
EDIT: This is problem on Apple side and nothing to do with Xcode. This is only effecting apps with WatchKit.
I just uploaded one my apps today that has a watchkit extension. Try this, it may or may not help.
Xcode -> Product Clean
Xcode -> Quit
In a console terminal do > rm -rf /Users/your_mac_user/library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/*
Relaunch Xcode and project
Go to your Xcode -> Build Settings for your iPhone app and make sure its set to 8.0 for debug and release
Now go to both your watch and watch extensions and make sure the Build setting is set to 8.2
Archive and upload again.