I am trying to capture linux keyboard/mouse input, and I am reading events from like /dev/input/event2
. But it seems the input are sometimes directed to /dev/
I know it's a little late to reply but I hope this is helpful for friends.
“mice” contains mouse input data, but to find the file related to the keyboards we need to check the files in folder “by-path”, keyboards file names end with “event-kbd”. We need to find the links to the keyboards, and then we can find the keyboards event file. The following commands can do this automatically for us:
kbdEvents=($(ls /dev/input/by-path | grep "event-kbd"))
for forCounter in "${kbdEvents[@]}"
eventFile=$(readlink --canonicalize "/dev/input/by-path/${forCounter}")
# do anything ...
This code is part of the code for the break time on my personal website : mazKnez.com