So in Python and Ruby there is the splat operator (*) for unpacking an array as arguments. In Javascript there is the .apply() function. Is there a way of unpacking an array/sli
I had a reason to unpack some vars from a map[string]string with single quotes around some of them as well as without. Here's the logic for it and the play link up top has the full working snippet.
func unpack(a map[string]string) string {
var stmt, val string
var x, y []string
for k, v := range a {
x = append(x, k)
y = append(y, "'"+v+"'")
stmt = "INSERT INTO tdo.rca_trans_status (" + strings.Join(x, ", ")
val = ") VALUES (" + strings.Join(y, ",") + ");"
return stmt + val}
Which presents cleanly for a mssql query as:
INSERT INTO tdo.rca_trans_status (rca_json_body, original_org, md5sum, updated, rca_key) VALUES ('blob','EG','2343453463','2009-11-10 23:00:00','prb-180');