What are some guidelines for when it is not necessary to check for a null?
A lot of the inherited code I\'ve been working on as of late has null-checks
When you can specify which compiler is being used, for system functions such as "new" checking for null is a bug in the code. It means that you will be duplicating the error handling code. Duplicate code is often a source of bugs because often one gets changed and the other doesn't. If you can not specify the compiler or compiler versions, you should be more defensive.
As for internal functions, you should specify the contract and make sure that contract is enforce via unit tests. We had a problem in our code a while back where we either threw an exception or returned null in case of a missing object from our database. This just made things confusing for the caller of the api so we went through and made it consistant throughout the entire code base and removed the duplicate checks.
The important thing (IMHO) is to not have duplicate error logic where one branch will never be invoked. If you can never invoke code, then you can't test it, and you will never know if it is broken or not.