Some other useful shortcuts:
- Alt + Shift + R : Rename
- Alt + Shift + Y : Word wrap
- Alt + Shift + V : Move the selected elements
- Alt + Shift + I : Inline refactoring
- Alt + Shift + M : Extract Method refactoring.
- Alt + Shift + L : Extract Local Variable
- Alt + Shift + A : Block selection mode
- Alt + Shift + Arrow Keys: selects enclosing elements
- Alt + Shift + F1: Focus on eclipse element to know plugin implementation details.
- Alt + Shift + F2: Plugin implementation details.
- F4 : Type Hierarchy
- Ctrl + Shift + T : Open Type
- Ctrl + Shift + H: Open Type in Hierarchy
- Ctrl + Alt + H: Call Hierarchy
- Ctrl + Shift + G: Reference in workspace
- Ctrl + Alt + G: Quick Search for selected text
- Ctrl + Shift + O: Organize imports
- Ctrl + Shift + M: Add import for currently selected.
- Ctrl + Shift + L: Shows you a List of your currently defined shortcut keys
- Ctrl + Shift + U: Occurrence in current file
- Ctrl + Shift + A: Open plug-in Artifact
- Ctrl + Shift + {: Two side by side editors with current file
- Ctrl + Shift + Space : Parameter Hints
- Ctrl + Shift + Mouse hover : To view javadoc
- Shift + Mouse hover : To view source code
- Ctrl + Space : Content Assist
- Ctrl + F3/O : Outline
- Ctrl + T: Type Hierarchy
- Ctrl + H : Open Search Dialog
- Ctrl + 1 : Quick Fix
- Ctrl+Shift+NUM_KEYPAD_DIVIDE : Collapse All code blocks
- Ctrl+Shift+NUM_KEYPAD_MULTIPLY : To open all code blocks
- Alt + left arrow : Open recently closed file
Ctrl+Shift+ any key :Direct actions (on text mostly)
Alt+Shift+ any key : Indirect actions
Ctrl It was originally used to send Control character to terminals. Ctrl commands are commonly used shortcuts. (In Mac Command)
Alt It enables alternate uses for other keys.
The above shortcuts are default, if we want to change shortcuts we can do. In eclipse -> Windows -> preferences -> keys. Where we can find all shortcuts with full details: