I am a beginner in MATLAB and I should perform a spectral analysis of an EEG signal drawing the graphs of power spectral density and spectrogram. My signal is 10
Both these methods above are short-time methods of operating on signals. The non-stationarity of the signal (where statistics are a function of time, Say mean, among other statistics, is a function of time) implies that you can only assume that the statistics of the signal are constant over short periods of time. There is no way of arriving at such a period of time (for which the statistics of the signal are constant) exactly and hence it is mostly guess work and fine-tuning.
Say that the signal you mentioned above is non-stationary (which EEG signals are). Also assume that it is stationary only for about 10ms or so. To reliably measure statistics like PSD or energy
, you need to measure these statistics 10ms at a time. The window-ing function is what you multiply the signal with to isolate that 10ms of a signal, on which you will be computing PSD etc.. So now you need to traverse the length of the signal. You need a shifting window (to window the entire signal 10ms at a time). Overlapping the windows gives you a more reliable estimate of the statistics.
You can imagine it like this:
1. Take the first 10ms of the signal.
2. Window it with the windowing function.
3. Compute statistic only on this 10ms portion.
4. Move the window by 5ms (assume length of overlap).
5. Window the signal again.
6. Compute statistic again.
7. Move over entire length of signal.
There are many different types of window functions - Blackman, Hanning, Hamming, Rectangular
. That and the length of the window and overlap really depend on the application that you have and the frequency characteristics of the signal itself.
As an example, in speech processing (where the signals are non-stationary and windowing gets used a lot), the most popular choices for windowing functions are Hamming/Hanning of length 10ms (320 samples at 16 kHz sampling) with an overlap of 80 samples (25% of window length)
. This works reasonably well. You can use this as a starting point for your application and then work on fine-tuning it a little more with different values.
You may also want to take a look at the following functions in MATLAB:
1. hamming
2. hanning
I hope you know that you can call up a ton of help in MATLAB using the help command on the command line. MATLAB is one of the best documented softwares out there. Using the help command for pwelch
also pulls up definitions for window size and overlap. That should help you out too.
I don't know if all this info. helped you out or not, but looking at the question, I felt you might have needed a little help with understanding what windowing and overlapping was all about.