I want to start using AngularJs and Java Spring for development purpose.I am using Eclipse as IDE . I want to configure my Eclipse to have these frameworks working seamlessly.>
Since these previous answers above, there is now a release of an Eclipse Plugin to assist with development using AngularJS:
https://marketplace.eclipse.org/content/angularjs-eclipse https://github.com/angelozerr/angularjs-eclipse/wiki/Installation---Update-Site (take a look around the other Wiki pages for information on features)
The release at the time of the answer is 0.1.0.
Please also checkout JSDT (http://www.eclipse.org/webtools/jsdt/) and also Eclipse VJET (http://eclipse.org/vjet/). The VJET project appears to be an attempt to provide better feature sets to the editor without being encumbered by the JSDT project (open source politics at play I guess).