Bear with me, this is going to take some explaining. I have a function that looks like the one below.
Context: \"aProject\" is a Core Data entity named LPProject with an
I believe Ryan is on the right path: there are simply too many threads being spawned when a project has 1,500 files (the amount I decided to test with.)
So, I refactored the code above to work like this:
- (void) establishImportLinksForFilesInProject:(LPProject *)aProject
dispatch_queue_t taskQ = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0);
// Create a new Core Data Context on this thread using the same persistent data store
// as the main thread. Pass the objectID of aProject to access the managedObject
// for that project on this thread's context:
NSManagedObjectID *projectID = [aProject objectID];
for (LPFile *fileToCheck in [backgroundContext objectWithID:projectID] memberFiles])
if (//Some condition is met)
// Here, we do the scanning for @import statements.
// When we find a valid one, we put the whole path to the
// imported file into an array called 'verifiedImports'.
// Pass this ID to main thread in dispatch call below to access the same
// file in the main thread's context
NSManagedObjectID *fileID = [fileToCheck objectID];
// go back to the main thread and update the model
// (Core Data is not thread-safe.)
for (NSString *import in verifiedImports)
LPFile *targetFile = [mainContext objectWithID:fileID];
// Add the relationship to targetFile.
});//end block
// Easy way to tell when we're done processing all files.
// Could add a dispatch_async(main_queue) call here to do something like UI updates, etc
});//end block
So, basically, we're now spawning one thread that reads all the files instead of one-thread-per-file. Also, it turns out that calling dispatch_async() on the main_queue is the correct approach: the worker thread will dispatch that block to the main thread and NOT wait for it to return before proceeding to scan the next file.
This implementation essentially sets up a "serial" queue as Ryan suggested (the for loop is the serial part of it), but with one advantage: when the for loop ends, we're done processing all the files and we can just stick a dispatch_async(main_queue) block there to do whatever we want. It's a very nice way to tell when the concurrent processing task is finished and that didn't exist in my old version.
The disadvantage here is that it's a bit more complicated to work with Core Data on multiple threads. But this approach seems to be bulletproof for projects with 5,000 files (which is the highest I've tested.)