I\'m using PostgreSQL and I\'m trying to list all the tables that have a particular column from a table as a foreign-key/reference. Can this be done? I\'m sure this information
This query requires only the referenced table name and column name, and produces a result set containing both sides of the foreign key.
select confrelid::regclass, af.attname as fcol,
conrelid::regclass, a.attname as col
from pg_attribute af, pg_attribute a,
(select conrelid,confrelid,conkey[i] as conkey, confkey[i] as confkey
from (select conrelid,confrelid,conkey,confkey,
generate_series(1,array_upper(conkey,1)) as i
from pg_constraint where contype = 'f') ss) ss2
where af.attnum = confkey and af.attrelid = confrelid and
a.attnum = conkey and a.attrelid = conrelid
AND confrelid::regclass = 'my_table'::regclass AND af.attname = 'my_referenced_column';
Example result set:
confrelid | fcol | conrelid | col
my_table | my_referenced_column | some_relation | source_type
my_table | my_referenced_column | some_feature | source_type
All credit to Lane and Krogh at the PostgreSQL forum.