I need to convert a bunch of video files using FFmpeg. I run a Bash file that converts all the files nicely, however there is a problem if a file converted is not in 16:9 format
Although most of these answers are great, I was looking for a command that could resize to a target dimension (width or height) while maintaining aspect ratio. I was able to accomplish this using ffmpeg's Expression Evaluation.
Here's the relevant video filter, with a target dimension of 512:
-vf "thumbnail,scale='if(gt(iw,ih),512,trunc(oh*a/2)*2)':'if(gt(iw,ih),trunc(ow/a/2)*2,512)'"
For the output width:
If width is greater than height, return the target, otherwise, return the proportional width.
For the output height:
If width is greater than height, return the proportional height, otherwise, return the target.