You are describing Ruby.
- Good metaprogramming. Ability to create classes, methods, functions,
etc. at runtime. Preferably, minimal
distinction between code and data,
Lisp style.
It's very easy to extend and modify existing primitives at runtime. In ruby everything is an object, strings, integers, even functions.
You can also construct shortcuts for syntactic sugar, for example with class_eval.
- Nice, clean, sane syntax and consistent, intuitive semantics.
Basically a well thought-out, fun to
use, modern language.
Ruby follows the principle of less surprise, and when comparing Ruby code vs the equivalent in other language many people consider it more "beautiful".
- Multiple paradigms. No one paradigm is right for every project,
or even every small subproblem within
a project.
You can follow imperative, object oriented, functional and reflective.
- An interesting language that actually affects the way one thinks
about programming.
That's very subjective, but from my point of view the ability to use many paradigms at the same time allows for very interesting ideas.
I've tried Python and it doesn't fit your important points.