I have recently moved the SVN server and now i am tring to relocate the working copies from my computer to the new server. But i get the strangest error. i do :
My best way to do an SVN relocation is this:
svn switch --relocate $(svn info | grep ^URL | cut -f 2 --delim=' ') \
In this way, using the right old url from the svn info
command, you are sure to not enter a wrong one, which is one of the common erros.
If everything is correct, you will be prompted with the auth details for the new location, if they are different.
After issuing the command, be sure to double check that the change has been applied looking at the URL parameter, issuing
svn info
After relocating, update your working copy, to check that everything is ok:
svn update
My 2c ..