As a Java developer, the concept of a backing field is a bit foreign to me. Given:
class Sample {
var counter = 0 // the initializer value is written directly
My understanding is using field identifier as a reference to the property's value in get or set, when you want to change or use the property's value in get or set.
For example:
class A{
var a:Int=1
get(){return field * 2} // Similiar to Java: public int geta(){return this.a * 2}
set(value) {field = value + 1}
var t = A()
println(t.a) // OUTPUT: 2, equal to Java code: println(t.a * 2)
t.a = 2 // The real action is similar to Java code: t.a = t.a +1
println(t.a) // OUTPUT: 6, equal to Java code: println(t.a * 2)