This picture illustrates the problem:
I can cont
One approach suggested in the comments is to go to the closest target first.
I've put up a version of the demo which includes the cost calculated via this greedy method here.
The code is:
function greedyMethod(start_x,start_y) {
var still_to_visit = (1<
For 10 targets it is around twice the optimal distance, but sometimes much more (e.g. *4) and occasionally even hits the optimum.
This approach is very efficient so I can afford some cycles to improve the answer.
Next I'm considering using ant colony methods to see if they can explore the solution space effectively.
An Ant colony method seems to work remarkable well for this problem. The link in this answer now compares the results when using both greedy and ant colony method.
The idea is that ants choose their route probabilistically based on the current level of pheromone. After every 10 trials, we deposit additional pheromone along the shortest trail they found.
function antMethod(start_x,start_y) {
// First establish a baseline based on greedy
var L = greedyMethod(start_x,start_y);
var n = pts.length;
var m = 10; // number of ants
var numrepeats = 100;
var alpha = 0.1;
var q = 0.9;
var t0 = 1/(n*L);
pheromone=new Array(n+1); // entry n used for starting position
for(i=0;i<=n;i++) {
pheromone[i] = new Array(n);
for(j=0;jbestc) {
besti = i;
bestc = c;
if (Math.random()>0.9) {
thresh = totalh*Math.random();
This ant colony method using 100 repeats of 10 ants is still very fast (37ms for 16 targets compared to 3700ms for the exhaustive search) and seems very accurate.
The table below shows the results for 10 trials using 16 targets:
Greedy Ant Optimal
46 29 29
91 38 37
103 30 30
86 29 29
75 26 22
182 38 36
120 31 28
106 38 30
93 30 30
129 39 38
The ant method seems significantly better than greedy and often very close to optimal.