I\'m starting to integrate libextobjc (https://github.com/jspahrsummers/libextobjc) into my iOS application primarily to take advantage of EXTScope\'s @strongify
Calling "self" inside the block that in hold by "self" will lead to "Retain Cycles" and hence memory leaks. So ideally it goes like:
@interface A: NSObject // Some interface A
@property (nonatomic, copy, readwrite) dispatch_block_t someBlock; // See block is strongly retained here.
@implementation A
- (void) someAPI
__weak A * weakSelf = self; // Assign self to weakSelf and use it
// enter code here inside block to break retain cycles.
self.someBlock =
A * strongSelf = weakSelf; // Assign weak self to strongSelf before
// using it. This is because weakSelf can go nil anytime and it may happen
// that only few lines from block get executed before weakSelf goes nil,
// and hence code may be in some bad state.
if (strongSelf != nil)
// Use strongSelf.
[strongSelf doSomethingAwesome];
[strongSelf doSomethingAwesomeAgain];
If the block is not retained by "self", then its safe to just use "self" inside blocks and they won't create retain-cycles.
Note: Memory management concept remains same with use of "libextobjc" library.