When running composer diagnose
, I get the following error :
The xdebug extension is loaded, this can slow down Composer a little. Disablin
Based on documentation I use environment variable PHPRC
, so I can choose which INI file shloud be loaded, thus I can choose whether I want to enable or disable Xdebug before executing a command (like composer install
I have two INI files, one with Xdebug enabled (php-xdebug.ini
) and one with Xdebug disabled (php.ini
- it's also default one).
I use some batches (placed in location which is included in PATH
environment variable, so it can be executed from anywhere):
To enable Xdebug I call xon.bat
set PHPRC=C:/path-to-php/php-xdebug.ini
To disable Xdebug I call xoff.bat
set PHPRC=
By calling php --ini
I can check which INI file was loaded.
Alternatively you can use environment variable PHP_INI_SCAN_DIR
in which you set a path to directory from where additional INI files will be loaded. Advantage is that you can load multiple INI files.