There are a couple of additional concerns with boost.serialization that I'll add to the mix. Caveat: I don't have any direct experience with protocol buffers beyond skimming the docs.
Note that while I think boost, and boost.serialization, is great at what it does, I have come to the conclusion that the default archive formats it comes with are not a great choice for a wire format.
It's important to distinguish between versions of your class (as mentioned in other answers, boost.serialization has some support for data versioning) and compatibility between different versions of the serialization library.
Newer versions of boost.serialization may not generate archives that older versions can deserialize. (the reverse is not true: newer versions are always intended to deserialize archives made by older versions). This has led to the following problems for us:
- Both our client & server software create serialized objects that the other consumes, so we can only move to a newer boost.serialization if we upgrade both client and server in lockstep. (This is quite a challenge in an environment where you don't have full control of your clients).
- Boost comes bundled as one big library with shared parts, and both the serialization code and the other parts of the boost library (e.g. shared_ptr) may be in use in the same file, I can't upgrade any parts of boost because I can't upgrade boost.serialization. I'm not sure if it's possible/safe/sane to attempt to link multiple versions of boost into a single executable, or if we have the budget/energy to refactor out bits that need to remain on an older version of boost into a separate executable (DLL in our case).
- The old version of boost we're stuck on doesn't support the latest version of the compiler we use, so we're stuck on an old version of the compiler too.
Google seem to actually publish the protocol buffers wire format, and Wikipedia describes them as forwards-compatible, backwards-compatible (although I think Wikipedia is referring to data versioning rather than protocol buffer library versioning). Whilst neither of these is a guarantee of forwards-compatibility, it seems like a stronger indication to me.
In summary, I would prefer a well-known, published wire format like protocol buffers when I don't have the ability to upgrade client & server in lockstep.
Footnote: shameless plug for a related answer by me.