I\'ve been looking into learning Erlang/OTP, and as a result, have been reading (okay, skimming) about the actor model.
From what I understand, the actor model is simply
It is a lot less about the actor model and a lot more about how hard it is to properly write something analogous to OTP in C++. Also, different operating systems provide radically different debugging and system tooling, and Erlang's VM and several language constructs support a uniform way of figuring out just what all those processes are up to which would be very hard to do in a uniform way (or maybe do at all) across several platforms. (It is important to remember that Erlang/OTP predates the current buzz over the term "actor model", so in some cases these sort of discussions are comparing apples and pterodactyls; great ideas are prone to independent invention.)
All this means that while you certainly can write an "actor model" suite of programs in another language (I know, I have done this for a long time in Python, C and Guile without realizing it before I encountered Erlang, including a form of monitors and links, and before I'd ever heard the term "actor model"), understanding how the processes your code actually spawns and what is happening amongst them is extremely difficult. Erlang enforces rules that an OS simply can't without major kernel overhauls -- kernel overhauls that would probably not be beneficial overall. These rules manifest themselves as both general restrictions on the programmer (which can always be gotten around if you really need to) and basic promises the system guarantees for the programmer (which can be deliberately broken if you really need to also).
For example, it enforces that two processes cannot share state to protect you from side effects. This does not mean that every function must be "pure" in the sense that everything is referentially transparent (obviously not, though making as much of your program referentially transparent as practical is a clear design goal of most Erlang projects), but rather that two processes aren't constantly creating race conditions related to shared state or contention. (This is more what "side effects" means in the context of Erlang, by the way; knowing that may help you decipher some of the discussion questioning whether Erlang is "really functional or not" when compared with Haskell or toy "pure" languages.)
On the other hand, the Erlang runtime guarantees delivery of messages. This is something sorely missed in an environment where you must communicate purely over unmanaged ports, pipes, shared memory and common files which the OS kernel is the only one managing (and OS kernel management of these resources is necessarily extremely minimal compared to what the Erlang runtime provides). This doesn't meant that Erlang guarantees RPC (anyway, message passing is not RPC, nor is it method invocation!), it doesn't promise that your message is addressed correctly, and it doesn't promise that a process you're trying to send a message to exists or is alive, either. It just guarantees delivery if the thing your sending to happens to be valid at that moment.
Built on this promise is the promise that monitors and links are accurate. And based on that the Erlang runtime makes the entire concept of "network cluster" sort of melt away once you grasp what is going on with the system (and how to use erl_connect...). This permits you to hop over a set of tricky concurrency cases already, which gives one a big head start on coding for the successful case instead of getting mired in the swamp of defensive techniques required for naked concurrent programming.
So its not really about needing Erlang, the language, its about the runtime and OTP already existing, being expressed in a rather clean way, and implementing anything close to it in another language being extremely hard. OTP is just a hard act to follow. In the same vein, we don't really need C++, either, we could just stick to raw binary input, Brainfuck and consider Assembler our high level language. We also don't need trains or ships, as we all know how to walk and swim.
All that said, the VM's bytecode is well documented, and a number of alternative languages have emerged that compile to it or work with the Erlang runtime. If we break the question into a language/syntax part ("Do I have to understand Moon Runes to do concurrency?") and a platform part ("Is OTP the most mature way to do concurrency, and will it guide me around the trickiest, most common pitfalls to be found in a concurrent, distributed environment?") then the answer is ("no", "yes").