I am trying to create a drawing area with canvas. I am having trouble with making the lines look smooth when drawing curves and I also have changing line thickness in my algorit
Suggest the rendering be done with a chain of bezier curves which surround the curve which is thus filled. (ie end with ctx.fill) Still lots of work to do but hope this helps.
Adapted a nice demo app for bezier curves
added it to a fork of your fiddle http://jsfiddle.net/d3zFU/1/
Code is
* Canvas curves example
* By Craig Buckler, http://twitter.com/craigbuckler
* of OptimalWorks.net http://optimalworks.net/
* for SitePoint.com http://sitepoint.com/
* Refer to:
* http://blogs.sitepoint.com/html5-canvas-draw-quadratic-curves/
* http://blogs.sitepoint.com/html5-canvas-draw-bezier-curves/
* This code can be used without restriction.
(function() {
var canvas, ctx, code, point, style, drag = null, dPoint;
// define initial points
function Init(quadratic) {
point = {
p1: { x:100, y:250 },
p2: { x:400, y:250 }
if (quadratic) {
point.cp1 = { x: 250, y: 100 };
else {
point.cp1 = { x: 150, y: 100 };
point.cp2 = { x: 350, y: 100 };
// default styles
style = {
curve: { width: 6, color: "#333" },
cpline: { width: 1, color: "#C00" },
point: { radius: 10, width: 2, color: "#900", fill: "rgba(200,200,200,0.5)", arc1: 0, arc2: 2 * Math.PI }
// line style defaults
ctx.lineCap = "round";
ctx.lineJoin = "round";
// event handlers
canvas.onmousedown = DragStart;
canvas.onmousemove = Dragging;
canvas.onmouseup = canvas.onmouseout = DragEnd;
// draw canvas
function DrawCanvas() {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
// control lines
ctx.lineWidth = style.cpline.width;
ctx.strokeStyle = style.cpline.color;
ctx.fillStyle = style.cpline.color;
ctx.moveTo(point.p1.x, point.p1.y);
ctx.lineTo(point.cp1.x, point.cp1.y);
if (point.cp2) {
ctx.moveTo(point.p2.x, point.p2.y);
ctx.lineTo(point.cp2.x, point.cp2.y);
else {
ctx.lineTo(point.p2.x, point.p2.y);
// curve
ctx.lineWidth = 1 ; //style.curve.width;
ctx.strokeStyle = style.curve.color;
ctx.moveTo(point.p1.x, point.p1.y);
if (point.cp2) {
ctx.bezierCurveTo(point.cp1.x, point.cp1.y, point.cp2.x, point.cp2.y, point.p2.x, point.p2.y);
ctx.bezierCurveTo(point.cp2.x, point.cp2.y+12, point.cp1.x, point.cp1.y+12, point.p1.x, point.p1.y);
else {
ctx.quadraticCurveTo(point.cp1.x, point.cp1.y, point.p2.x, point.p2.y);
// control points
for (var p in point) {
ctx.lineWidth = style.point.width;
ctx.strokeStyle = style.point.color;
ctx.fillStyle = style.point.fill;
ctx.arc(point[p].x, point[p].y, style.point.radius, style.point.arc1, style.point.arc2, true);
// show canvas code
function ShowCode() {
if (code) {
code.firstChild.nodeValue =
"canvas = document.getElementById(\"canvas\");\n"+
"ctx = canvas.getContext(\"2d\")\n"+
"ctx.lineWidth = " + style.curve.width +
";\nctx.strokeStyle = \"" + style.curve.color +
"\";\nctx.beginPath();\n" +
"ctx.moveTo(" + point.p1.x + ", " + point.p1.y +");\n" +
(point.cp2 ?
"ctx.bezierCurveTo("+point.cp1.x+", "+point.cp1.y+", "+point.cp2.x+", "+point.cp2.y+", "+point.p2.x+", "+point.p2.y+");" :
"ctx.quadraticCurveTo("+point.cp1.x+", "+point.cp1.y+", "+point.p2.x+", "+point.p2.y+");"
) +
// start dragging
function DragStart(e) {
e = MousePos(e);
var dx, dy;
for (var p in point) {
dx = point[p].x - e.x;
dy = point[p].y - e.y;
if ((dx * dx) + (dy * dy) < style.point.radius * style.point.radius) {
drag = p;
dPoint = e;
canvas.style.cursor = "move";
// dragging
function Dragging(e) {
if (drag) {
e = MousePos(e);
point[drag].x += e.x - dPoint.x;
point[drag].y += e.y - dPoint.y;
dPoint = e;
// end dragging
function DragEnd(e) {
drag = null;
canvas.style.cursor = "default";
// event parser
function MousePos(event) {
event = (event ? event : window.event);
return {
x: event.pageX - canvas.offsetLeft,
y: event.pageY - canvas.offsetTop
// start
canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
code = document.getElementById("code");
if (canvas.getContext) {
ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
Init(canvas.className == "quadratic");