Have any one used the SOLID programming principle (or any of it\'s parts) while developing JavaScript?
I\'ve just started up on reading on it but can\'t seem to find any
This accepted answer is flawed. I recommend to read the five articles linked to by Ryan Rensford below. The last article comes to the following conclusion which I failed to communicate (emphasis by me):
While in the course of our examination we saw variations in how the SOLID design principles apply to JavaScript over other languages, each of the principles were shown to have some degree of applicability within JavaScript development.
SOLID is meant for object-oriented programming. JavaScript is a prototype-based language but allows programming in an OOP-manner (if you really try hard to do so). Many people believe that you shouldn't try to force paradigms of languages you learned (like C++/C#/Java) onto others (JavaScript). Here's an article on OOP in JS which also comes to that conclusion.
There are some approaches to OOP in Prototype.js, CoffeeScript, and John Resigs Simple JavaScript Inheritance (each with its own traps).
But the terminology (interfaces, abstraction) of SOLID is difficult to apply to vanilla JavaScript in a proper manner. You will be able to apply "S", and maybe the "L" (which are good concepts). But going further would require constructs like interfaces (which are hard to find in dynamic languages anyway, contracts might work) and the ability to restrict inheritance/modification.