I have a question that, I know, has been widely discussed about, but in my opinion, there is one aspect that still needs clarification.
I am creating a web-application w
Some notes upfront:
In my applications, I use two different approaches for loading multilingual data, depending on the use case:
In the case where the user is entering data or editing existing data (e.g. a product with its translations) I'm using the same approach as you have shown above in your question, e.g:
public class Product
public int ID {get; set;}
public string SKU {get; set;}
public IList Translations {get; set;}
public class ProductTranslation
public string Language {get; set;}
public bool IsDefaultLanguage {get; set;}
public string Title {get; set;}
public string Description {get; set;}
I.e. I'll let the OR-mapper load the product instance(s) with all their translations attached. I then iterate through the translations and pick the ones needed.
In this case, which is mainly front-end code, where I usually just display information to the user (preferably in the user's language), I'm using a different approach:
First of all, I'm using a different data model which doesn't support/know the notion of multiple translations. Instead it is just the representation of a product in the "best" language for the current user:
public class Product
public int ID {get; set;}
public string SKU {get; set;}
// language-specific properties
public string Title {get; set;}
public string Description {get; set;}
To load this data, I'm using different queries (or stored procedures). E.g. to load a product with ID @Id
in the language @Language
, I'd use the following query:
-- get title, description from the requested translation,
-- or fall back to the default if not found:
ISNULL(tr.Title, def.Title) Title,
ISNULL(tr.Description, def.Description) Description
FROM Products p
-- join requested translation, if available:
LEFT OUTER JOIN ProductTranslations tr
ON p.ID = tr.ProductId AND tr.Language = @Language
-- join default language of the product:
LEFT OUTER JOIN ProductTranslations def
ON p.ID = def.ProductId AND def.IsDefaultLanguage = 1
WHERE p.ID = @Id
This returns the product's title and description in the requested language if a translation for that language exists. If no translation exists, the title and description from the default language will be returned.