Complementing @Thomas Schar's answer. The Swift protocol magic comes from the extension.
- Swift protocols can get implementations via the extension (Swift
2). Java 8 interface can have default implementations, but it cannot be
done "retroactively."
- In Swift, you can "retroactively" add protocol requirements (and
its implementations if needed) to any class or structure.
- Swift protocols do not follow the generic (i.e <..>) customization pattern,
but a typealias scheme (i.e. Associated Types). Can be confusing at the start, but can avoid
"angle bracket blindness" in some cases.
- Swift has an advanced type pattern matching, allowing to be very
specific on where and how protocol requirements and extensions get applied. It can be confusing when coming from Java, but it has a lot of power.
- A swift protocol can be composed for a property/param (i.e. celebrator:
One thing that got me scratching my head for a couple of hours is that not all protocols can be used as property types. For example, if you have a protocol with typealias, you cannot directly use it as a type of property (it makes sense when you think about it, but coming from Java we really want to have a property like userDao: IDao).