All questions are rhetorical and meant to stimulate thought.
Technical parts:
- Design Patterns - There are probably some specific to a domain but generally these are useful ways of starting parts of an application. Do you know MVC or MVP?
- Basic algorithm starting points - Divide and conquer, dynamic programming, recursion, creating special data types like a heap, being greedy, etc.
- Problem solving skills - How easily can you jump in and find where a bug is? Can you think of multiple solutions to the problem?
- Abstract modelling - How well can you picture things in your head in terms of code or classes when someone is describing a problem?
- High level versus low level - How well do you understand when one wants something high or low? This is just something I'd toss out there as these terms get through around a lot, like a high level view of something or a low level language.
Process parts:
- Agile - Do you know Scrum, XP, and other new approaches to managing software projects? How about principles like YAGNI, DRY and KISS? Or principles like SOLID? Ideas like Broken Windows?
- Developer Environment - How well do you know the IDE you use? Source Control? Continuous Integration? Do you know the bottle necks on your machine in terms of being productive?
- xDD - Do you know of TDD, BDD, and other developments driven from a paradigm?
- Refactoring - Do you go back over your old code and make it better or do you tend to write once and then abandon your code?
Soft skills:
- Emotional Intelligence - Can be useful for presentations and working with others mostly.
- Passions/Motivation - Do you know what gets your juices flowing and just kick butt in terms of being productive? Do you know what you would like to do for many many years?